HARPA Funeral Home opened in january 2014.
The address is Kirkjulundur 19 Garðabær.


We help during all the funeral process.
It is important to us that customers feel that we care.


In the midst of the grieving prosess relatives have many things to consider.
It helps to have someone who can focus on all the things that need attention.


HARPA has the first eco friendly funeral car in Iceland.
It runs on metan gas.

Harpa funeral home opened in january 2014. The address is Kirkjulundur 19 Garðabær.

Harpa Heimisdóttir - funeral director

Harpa Heimisdóttir - funeral director

Phone: 842 0204

Brynja Gunnarsdóttir - funeral director

Brynja Gunnarsdóttir - funeral director

Phone: 821 2045

Svavar Ásbjörnsson - funeral services

Svavar Ásbjörnsson - funeral services

Telephone: 618 3909

Passing of a loved one

For most of us, the loss of a loved one is the hardest experience we encounter. Grieve is not an emotion but an emotional process, and despite how different we are, the feelings in the grieving process is incredibly similar for all of us.

The first few days after the death of a close relative or friend are the most difficult, and we are incapable of believing what has actually happened. An unrealistic feeling is what most people talk about experiencing first, along with various other emotions. We have established our reputation by providing exceptional service at affordable cost and we focus our attention to detail and personal service.

In the middle of a mourning process, family members need to consider many things. When contacting a funeral director or a priest, the following information must be provided for the deceased: Full name, ID number, place of death, date of death, name of the relative, his domicile, ID number and telephone.

HARPA funeral home helps family members to plan and manage all the details, with respect and care in mind. The agency also carries out civic activities without priest's service. Everyone is entitled to a funeral service in churches, regardless of religious and non-religious communities.



Funeral director contacts a priest after relatives have select one. Together with him/her the time and place for the funeral is decided.


Coffin closing seremonies take place Mondays to Fridays between 09:00 am and 15:00 pm. Funerals take place Mondays to Fridays at 11:00 am, 13:00 pm and 15:00 pm.


Harpa arranges both burials and cremations. All at the wish of the family.


Harpa has several models of caskets and urnes to choose from. See photos.


HARPA handles printing and layout work of the program.


Harpa can arrange for the final resting place at a cemetery if one is not already selected.


Funeral cost depends on witch service is selected. It can vary a lot depending on if musicians are included, witch model of casket, if there is a burial service or crimation and so forth.


Notifying the media, choosing of hymns, music and /or musicians, flower arrangements, death sertificate. Marking of the grave. Catering and Transport of a casket both domesticly and abroad.


Chests from 79,000 ISK inc. VAT
Urns from 18.900 ISK inc. VAT
Route marking from 22.537 ISK inc. VAT
Duvet and pillow from 17,900 ISK inc. VAT
Floral arrangement of chest from 29.000 ISK inc. VAT
Flower bush from 35.000 ISK inc. VAT
Altar flowers from 11.000 ISK inc. VAT
Hymn files 100 pcs
Single leaf 25.300 kr. ISK inc. VAT
Tribrot 56.970 ISK inc. VAT
Funeral services from ISK 90,000 – ISK 180,000 .
Streaming service 111,998 ISK

Funeral service and musicians are excluded from tax

Photos – Caskets

Photos – Arrangment